Healthwatch North and West Northamptonshire created a short survey to ask the public their views on what was working and what could be improved to enhance the accessibility of GP services in the county.
Over recent months the pressure on the NHS, including General Practice, has been unprecedented as services continue to manage the constraints of the pandemic and the high demand from patients requiring health interventions.
There are frequently times where the demand for appointments has been more than the capacity available, and this can be frustrating for patients, carers and staff. Patients often struggle to contact their GP due to the demand for appointments.
In response to the issues raised, we created a short survey to grasp the views of the public.
This survey was completed by 266 people in Northamptonshire who told us about their experiences, from accessing appointments, to the care they were provided. Along with the issues raised there were also some very positive comments about the patient experience.
To read the report: