We are pleased to publish our Northampton General Hospital ’15 Steps’ Maternity Report. This report details the findings from our visit to the Maternity Ward at Northampton General Hospital. In May 2023, Healthwatch North and West Northamptonshire partnered with Northamptonshire Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership to conduct a ’15-Steps’ Enter and View visit to the Northampton General Hospital’s Maternity Unit. On the day of the visit the Healthwatch North and West Northamptonshire volunteers went to the Maternity Day Unit, the Barratt Birth Centre, the Balmoral Ward, the Labour Ward, the Robert Watson ward, and Transitional Care. We appreciated the ability to be allowed into the Maternity Facilities to evaluate and assess the premises, and our volunteers enjoyed the opportunity to be able to speak with staff and patients to better understand their experiences. Please read our report to see our findings from the visit. The information gained from the visit was used to make some recommendations, and areas in which the service was providing quality care were acknowledged.
Recent Projects
Here are some examples of recent community engagement programmes we have been contracted to deliver.
Kettering General Hospital Maternity Visit Report
On the 2nd of May 2023, two volunteers from Healthwatch North and West Northamptonshire (HWNW) visited Kettering General Hospital (KGH) Maternity Department to carry out a ’15 Steps for Maternity’ audit. This audit looks at the quality of services provided from the perspective of people who use maternity services.
Healthwatch North and West Northamptonshire aim with this Maternity visit was to evaluate the services being provided within Kettering General Hospital, which included visits to the Screening Unit, the Delivery Suite, Rowan Ward, and the Snowdrop Garden.
The information gained from the visit was used to make some recommendations, and areas in which the service was providing quality care were acknowledged.
Corby Urgent Care Visit Report
Healthwatch North and west Northamptonshire and Healthwatch Rutland teamed up to listen to people’s experiences of using the service over two days – the 11th February and 17th February 2023.
Three volunteers and a member of staff from Healthwatch North and West Northamptonshire and Healthwatch Rutland visited the CUCC. The visits were at the request of CUCC as part of their commitment to engage with, and get feedback from, members of the public as part of their programme of continuous improvement.
They engaged with 38 people in total, 24 people in person and 14 people through an online survey in Rutland and Northamptonshire.
The majority of people they spoke to during the visits and who responded to the online survey were ‘walk-in’ patients rather than having a pre-booked appointment.
Overall patients were very satisfied with the service received, with 79% of people from the survey rating their overall experience at the centre as ‘very good’.
Our report on the Change Grow Live Service
Healthwatch North and West Northamptonshire were asked by Change Grow Live, a substance support and solution organisation, to engage with service users and gather a better understanding of their experiences. Change Grow Live or CGL is an organisation that aspires and is committed to delivering services that make a real difference to people’s lives and the communities they serve. Their work focuses on rehabilitation and support for those individuals who are struggling with substance dependency. Change Grow Live services include programmes such as Substance to Solution, Drug and Alcohol Service, and a Resettlement Service.
Healthwatch employees carried out 2 focus groups to engage with users of the service and gathered their feedback on the care they were provided, and to elaborate about their views of care regarding substance misuse.
They gathered experiences from 94 users of the service and formulated a report using their findings.
A spokesperson from Change Grow Live said “It was great to work with Healthwatch on this project and we are reviewing how we provide additional support, exploring extended opening hours, accessibility via our digital offer, and using technology to provide alternative ways for people to access our support”. And, Kate Holt, CEO of Healthwatch said “It was a great project to work on. Service users welcomed our interaction and spoke to us quite openly about their struggles with substance misuse and the support that CGL offers them to cope with their issues”.
Healthwatch North and West Northamptonshire’s 2022-2023 Annual Report
Healthwatch North and West Northamptonshire’s 2022-2023 Annual Report is a showcase of the work we completed throughout the last financial year.
This report is a comprehensive summary which highlights the key actions and projects they completed throughout the last financial year. This report gives insight into their yearly priorities and is a showcase of their impacts on the community, with a critical focus on ensuring that the public’s voice is championed.
Healthwatch Rutland’s 2022-2023 Annual Report
Healthwatch Rutland’s work over the past year has focused on ensuring that the public and patient voice is championed in the development of health and social care services to meet the needs of the Rutland community.
An important part of their work this year has been helping people who approached them for advice and guidance or to give feedback on services. They have listened to people’s concerns and shared them with decision makers.
Their Annual Report highlights the key actions and projects they completed throughout the last financial year and how they’ve made a difference. It is a showcase of their impacts on the community and how they have continued to collaborate with partners in health and social care to ensure they listen to your views as they shape services for the future.
To read the report